What are Quarks? #Particle_Physics #Physik_World

What are Quarks ?

As we know that proton and neutron are elementary particles which means they can be sub divided into another particles and that another particles are named as quarks. It means after breaking out proton or neutron we get quarks.

If we look at the standard model of particle physics we come to know that there are I,II,III generation 
of quarks. The lightest and more stable particles make up the first generation, whereas the havier and less stable particles belongs to the II and III generations. All the stable matter in the universe are made up of I-generation. And the most important thing is any heavier particles quickly decay into next most stable level means III to II and II to I generation. The six quarks are paired in three generations; the "up quarks" and the "down quarks" from the I generation; followed by the "charm quark", then the "top quarks" and "bottom quarks". Quarks also comes in three different "colors" and only mix in such a way to form colorless objects. This phenomenon of colors are known as quantum chromodynamics. 

So, what are the quarks that we can find inside proton and neutron?

For proton there are two "up quarks" and one "down quark" whereas;
For neutron there are two "down quarks" and one "up quark"


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