
Quantum Tunneling #realmofquantum

Quantum Tunneling The phenomenon in which wave is  probability disappears from one side of a potential barrier and appears on the other side is called quantum tunneling. If the potential barrier energy is more than that of electron then also there is probability of appearing in another side.

Quantum Decoherence

Quantum Decoherence Loss of coherence is called quantum decoherence. When wave function is linked to the outer environment or what i called wave function collapse or observer effect the nature of that system is changed. This phenomenon is known as quantum decoherence.  In quantum computer coherence should be maintain for calculations if not then there may come error.

Gravitational Wave #relitivity

Gravitational Wave:

Ohms Law Made Easy

Ohm's Law What is  ohms: Ω  If anything   moves/flows from one point to another it loses some energy in the form of heat due to the friction and that friction causes due to the internal and external resistance in the system; measured in ohm: Ω.   Each and every materials have resistance either higher or lower. There are various range of resistance value according to there color code.   About that we will talk later-on. Property of resistor: No polarity, hence can be connected from any side. Different type of resistance value according to the color code of resistor. Limits current according to the voltage applied. Suitable voltage for suitable output current when connected in series or parallel. OHMS LAW: Ohms law is one of the basic law for Electronics which deals with the calculation for voltage (V), current (I) and resistance ( Ω). You can see here one of the world's simplest circuit which is the building block of electronics. ...

What is Quantum? #Physik_World

What is QUANTUM? You see light, if you zoom it you see particles these particles is associated with different energy each quantum/energy is directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation i.e. E=hv means energy of photon. Ɣ Gamma Represents Photon (Symbol) As we know photon is the particle of light, but why? It has no mass too. But it travels at the speed of light. This is quite wired for understanding. Here's the question come's if mass-less particle can travel at the speed of light "photon". What about those particle which has mass and the answer is "no" particle having mass can't travel at the speed of light. Why ? Because it needs infinite amount of energy to do so. Now, you may ask why infinite amount of energy is required. It is due to increment of mass due to increment of speed. So it needs more and more energy to push it up. 

What after #Black_Hole #Physik_World

What after Black Hole? The word Black Hole itself describes what it is? Imagine yourself inside the empty space where there is nothing just you only! If you walk or swim in search of boundary where you can get out but you also know you are the center of that emptiness. There is vast difference between empty and emptiness. It's the point where all measurement gets collapse. It's like imagination for boundaries or giving measurement for your every step on that emptiness. You are the point that is everywhere scattered on that emptiness. Your location is not defined, your speed is not defined and if you are everywhere than you got the speed that is infinite and your time is infinite if you move as point than you are not really moving; its emptiness moving. So, what What after Black Hole: Illusion, Its the illusion that makes you move, knowing its the center. You create the perfect illusion for yourself. Its the perfect inception. Its life wearing the clothes of probability and...

Introduction to #Particle_Physics #Physik_World

What is Particle Physics ? You see everywhere there is patterns in the universe but if you travel inside it; you will see small particles rather than big things i.e. universe itself. So, the branch of physics that deals with the small fundamental particles is called particle physics. Particle physics studies the sub-atomic particles inside an atom. Fundamental particles means not regarded as made up of other particles like electron. But what about proton and neutron ?  Proton and neutron are elementary particles. Elementary particles means which can be sub-divided into other particles. All matter around us is made of elementary particles, the building block of matter. These particles occur in two basic types called quarks and leptons.